The track is a great place to really put your fitness to the test. If you have a time goal in mind for any race distance, a well-designed interval session can illuminate how close you are to the goal.
One such session is the 1km repeats. These might be a little repetitive, but they are a great predictor of your race time and a superb workout. The session is simple: 3-7 1km repeats at above your 5km race pace with 400m recovery. If you can keep a consistent pace for each rep, you’re most likely on target for your 5km goal!
Pick the number of reps that feels right for you based on your fitness level and available time. We have under an hour at the track and there is a wide range of abilities.
Pacing Guidelines
Each hard rep should be run at or slightly faster than your current 5km pace. You’re aiming for consistency across all reps.
Recovery Instructions
Maintain a light jog during recovery periods - avoid walking or coming to a complete stop. The recovery time should be consistent after each hard rep. If you’re timing it, take 3-3.5 minutes.
Group 1 - Beginner
3 sets of:
1km at 5k pace → 400m recovery jog
Group 2 - Intermediate
4 sets of:
1km at 5k pace → 400m recovery jog
Group 3 - Advanced
6 sets of:
1km at 5k pace → 400m recovery jog
Group 4 - Elite
7 sets of:
1km at 5k pace → 400m recovery jog
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