It’s all temporary. Every situation you’re in—whether it’s an injury, a tough period, or a dark cloud—will pass in time. If you think back to the difficult times, you’ve always made it through to the other side. For the tough moments that aren’t over yet, just give it a little more time. It won’t be like this forever.
It goes both ways. Just as the bad times end, so do the good. That’s why it’s important to cherish the good ones. Be present and aware of them. Give them your full attention. With so much happening in our lives, it can be hard to truly live in the moment. But when we do, our connections with the world, our friends, and our loved ones become stronger. You notice what people are saying, their body language, and you can respond genuinely. People appreciate that. When you’re present and open, they become more open, too. Hold on to the good times, and let go of the bad.
As runners, this is often our challenge. When running alone with our thoughts, our minds can drift. On those long runs, it’s easy to let the negative thoughts creep back in. But just as our legs are resilient, our minds should be resilient, too—resilient against the thoughts that say we can’t do this or that we’re going to fail. We are not our thoughts; they do not define us. They are just thoughts. We can choose to believe in them, dwell on them, or let them go. Move on. Return to your breath and think of the good times—crossing the finish line, setting a new personal best. Let those moments bloom and radiate through you. You are more than the situation or the thoughts.
Lace Up. Run Happy. Crush Goals.